Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm MAD as HELL and I'm not gonna TAKE IT ANYMORE!

Ok, well, ha ha, ahem, well, you know, it's like, ok, FINE!!! I guess I have no choice but to just take it.  Hmmm, seems like the theme of the times, on a side note. But let me say this to the Twitter's and the Facebook's and ALL of these new social networking sites... "Genius Ideas, POOR EXECUTION!!!" We all remember the frustrating hours we spent trying to navigate our way through Myspace, an error message, or sending failure, or Whatever (Shit) Happens.  Myspace gets bought out and my hopes for better programming see the light of day again! Yay! Only to be bought out by one of my personal faves, Rupert Murdoch, and I say that with the utmost sarcasm. BOO. In keeping with my expectations of the egregiously overly saturated media mogul, (in that his worldwide audience is 3/4 the world's population, ha, yeah!), Myspace didn't get much better, if any. And, well, all the rest to follow haven't done much better in their pursuit for a bug-free, or near, much MORE near, program. I bring this all up as it just took me almost an hour to do the simple task, so I thought, of updating my profile on Twitter. One pic, and some background color, no big deal, right? So why all the trouble? Why can't things just work? Or at least at an above average rating? Is that too much to ask?  That's too much to ask, huh. It shouldn't be, but maybe it is. Just BETTER! Please!?! I know a lot of people in the field and I just don't understand how the code and programming could work that BAD! WTF! So, here is my rant! More to come, soon, I promise! I have two more in the works. Just dealing with life. :p

1 comment:

  1. You are funny - the good news is you posted a blog entry, which is always good because it's more than 140 characters. In more than 140 I wanted to respond to this Tweet of yours from yesterday - "Amazing day workin my acting chops for Sweet Sinner. Think I scared peeps when I burst out N real tears N the scene.What? I took it serious!"

    You mean, you never burst into tears when you were out selling real estate? I'm not surprised, and I'm sure not everyone was scared, least of all Nica Noelle, who I no doubt appreciates this very quality of transparency that you have. Nica is very good at blowing your horn, and something she posted on a forum somewhere is what made me hit "Rewind" and go, hmm, yeah this Samantha chick has got something unique.

    Everybody has their favorite and your are mine! It makes me think of when I was a little kid and my dad and uncle were big into Italian opera and would debate over who was the greatest tenor, Caruso, Gigli, Pavarotti. My dad dug this Swedish singer named Jussi Bjoerling.

    If you guys were opera singers, Nina Hartley would be the sexy redheaded coluratura Beverly "Bubbles" Sills; Nica Noelle would be the angsty and compelling Maria Callas, and you would be Victoria de los Angeles. She was beautiful lyric soprano who had a great career in the 1950s playing Mimi In La Boheme, recording art songs like Songs of the Auverne.
    And on that note, back to teaching myself html.
